How to create an AI generated song

Today, a lot of songs are claimed to be AI generated. That is true in the meaning that AI tools have been used in some part of the creative process. There are plenty of tools that claim they are complete songwriting tools when they’re in fact just creating lyrics or chord progressions. Also, tools that have no involvement of AI claim they are AI tools, like text processors or traditional music tools like DAWs.

In this newsletter I will cover the complete process and which tools to use.

Tools for creating songs or helping the creative process is nothing new. Many of these tools have been around for many years without being labeled AI. For instance, Band in a box has been around for 20 years.

Also, songwriting has been developed to an industry with songwriting factories where songwriter teams write songs for the major artists. Every song coming out of these factories tend to be sounding like consumer goods without any unique character.

But most AI tools around tend to be just Chord packs providing you with a standard chord progression and creating a beat or backing track. There are also plenty of tools writing lyrics that claim they are complete songwriting tools. Also, tools that have no involvement of AI claim they are AI tools, like text processors or traditional music tools like DAWs.

Many tools also claim they create music videos using AI. Most AI tools in this area are just stock video banks mixing short standard video parts into a video.

So how do you go about creating an AI generated song?

Is there a tool that will create a song AND a music video AND an album cover AND everything else?

The simple answer is no.

But there are AI tools that will do part of the job for you. And there are many parts to be done. You have start by choosing which parts you need help with and which parts you will do the traditional way.

Producing a song:

These are steps and parts you must consider:

  • Writing lyrics
  • Deciding song structure
  • Writing a chord progression
  • Writing a melody or top line
  • Making the arrangement
  • Choosing instruments
  • Creating vocals
  • Mixing and producing
  • Creating an album cover

When it comes to most parts the steps you have to provide good prompts and alter them and try again. What works best is that you provide in which style you want the lyrics or song.

“Rap lyrics in the style of Drake”

“A country and western song in the style of Taylor Swift”

If you want an unusual style like ethnical music or in the style of a local artist, you have to work more on the prompts.

Writing lyrics is the easiest part. Lot of tools will help you with that such as ChatGPT and this is what most people think is creating an AI song. Though, be aware that ChatGPT is “speaking” a lot of languages but if you want to have rhymes it doesn’t work very good in any other language than English.

Song structure and chord progressions is also simple and can be provided by tons of tools.

Melody is tougher. Here’s a part where you probably will have to use your own imagination. It’s also in the melody where you create the hook. The tools that write you a melody will not necessarily give you a good hook.

Making arrangement and choosing instruments is also easy. Tons of tools here too and many has been around for a long time.

Making vocals can be a trouble. Many tools offer different voice style and different voices that sounds like real artists. But the quality is often low. Many tools only povide rap vocals and other tools don’t sync the vocals properly with the music. Some tools use text to speach and others provide the possiblity to upload your own vocals and having them changed into an AI voice.

Mixing and producing. This is tough. Most tools give you a fixed mix which is hard to meddle with. Often, you’re not provided with individual tracks or “stems” which is necessary for mixing. There are tools out there that “unmix” a stereo file into individual tracks, but the quality of these tracks is poor and is not suitable for a “Radio ready” song. If you want to remix the song you have to create new individual tracks with other tools or, even better, the traditional way. Otherwise, you have to stick with the standard mix from the tool.

Tools to use creating an AI song. (To be updated)

Producing a music video

These are steps and parts you must consider:

  • Writing a script
  • Creating a storyboard
  • Creating stills
  • Creating short video parts
  • Lip syncing the music
  • Mixing the video parts

Also, for videos, when it comes to most parts and steps you have to provide good prompts and alter them and try again. What works best is that you provide in which style you want the video like Performance based, Narrative based, Concept based, Lyrics based or Animated.

You also have to remember that a music video has a very fast pace in cutting between scenes. Maybe two to five seconds per scene. That means that you need 60 to a 100 scenes or clips. You also must write a prompt for every one of them.

You have to start with the script and storyboard and include all scenes and clips you need. If you’re not used to do it, this will require a lot of prompting.

Creating stills is easy and many tools exist today. Use the one you’re familiar with. Create stills for every scene or clip. But remember that when you create the characters or sceneries for the different scenes or clips it has to be the same characters and a consistent change of scenery.

With the stills as basis, you do the animations. Most tools will provide you with clips in the length of two to three seconds. Some tools provide you with morphing options, so your uploaded image morphs into something else. To another image or to something provided by the tool. Using this method will create the video faster but will not follow your script or your song as easy.

Lip syncing Is done in face swoping tools with this facility. This means that you might have to do this part before you create the clips that will be used in the video.

Mixing can be done in some of the tools but if you’re not happy with how it works and syncs with the song you have to use a traditional video editing tool.

Tools to use creating an AI vide. (To be updated)

How to create an AI generated song
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